We all need to rejuvenate ourselves from time to time because all work and no play makes Jane a very stressed-out person. Do you take time to re-energize yourself? Many people seem to think they must do something out of the ordinary and extraordinary. While the exotic, like a trip to paradise, certainly fits the bill, there are other things one can do. In reality, sometimes the thing you do may look like work, but because it revives, revitalizes, and restores you, it does not seem like work.
In October, I spend an exciting week-end in Las Vegas. It was not what you may be thinking. I attended a two-day conference for nurse entrepreneurs sponsored by the National Nurses in Business Association. There were about 160 nurses who either own their own business or who were exploring the possibilities. Having attended this event over a few years, I find ‘old friends’ with whom to connect. They share what has happened since our last meeting. The good and the not so good. They share personal and professional happenings.
As for the first time attendees, they are enthusiastic and open to explore multiple options. You can see their wide-eyed excitement and anticipation. For all who attended, they left with excitement and were energized to explore their futures.
In talking with many of the attendees, you learn that these nurses aren’t burned out or seeking ways to exit the profession. Instead, you hear them expressing their love of the nursing profession and are looking for ways to expand their knowledge and skills. They are looking for a way to give back while earning a living.
It’s a challenge to share all of the options presented at this conference, but they ran the gamut from expanding their basic nursing skills while remaining in the clinical area to ventures that may not be associated with traditional nursing practice. Some of the nurse entrepreneurial roles present included legal nurse consultants, seminar owners, and workshop presenter. Nurse entrepreneurs who are nurse bloggers were there. One nurse presenter shared that she earns a rather attractive income from blogging. A nurse team shared about their podcast and internet radio show. Some nurses combine their nursing knowledge to offer services to patients that help to increase their quality of life. Did you know that there are only about 30 nurses who have earned the coveted Certified Speaker Professional (CSP) credential from the National Speakers Association (the premier organization of professional speakers internationally)? I know of three such nurses who attended this conference. They are dynamic, knowledgeable, personable and willing to share their expertise. They also make more money doing this that being a bedside or administrative nurse.
Attending this conference is exciting, fulfilling and encouraging. It presents multiple opportunities to raise ones awareness and look beyond where they are now in their professional lives. For those who have attended overtime, it is energizing, a weekend away from the stressors of business or work. It’s an opportunity to rub elbows with like-minded nurses and it helps to invigorate one to carry on or move to the next level.
What a strange way to talk about decreasing stress, but it really does, if you permit yourself to be open and to absorb the energy and good feelings you come away with real ideas or with additional skills to improve, enhance, and expand your current business. This is a group of nurses who love to share their success, their journey, thoughts, ideas, and strategies that might prove helpful to other nurses in business.
Oh, by the way, when I mentioned going to paradise above, well, even after such an exciting weekend, I am in route to Hawaii for a 7-day crises. Aloha.